A Prayer for LUM

God abhors poverty, calls us to address its causes and consequences, and created the Lafayette Urban Ministry to help us pursue this goal. Therefore, I join my brothers and sisters in this prayer for LUM.

We pray for the wisdom and courage of Old Testament prophets such as Amos, Micah, Isaiah, and Jeremiah; the Son of God, Jesus Christ; and more recent role models such as Mandela, King, Gandhi, and Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

We pray that LUM’s efforts also reflect the social teachings of its member  churches, the leadership of its directors, and the faith of its benefactors,  board members, staff and volunteers.

We pray that LUM’s initiatives will be inspired by biblical concepts such as alms  giving, tithing, gleaning, jubilee, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, turning one’s cheek, and turning over the tables in the temple.

We pray that LUM’s programs will address both symptoms and root causes, include both assistance and advocacy, involve both service and justice, and be both comforting and challenging.

We pray that LUM will speak the truth to power and will always give priority to  people over things, the needy over the self-sufficient, and the voiceless over the noisy.

We pray for each other: that we will aspire to do Your will, acknowledge our  limitations and failures, and ask for the grace to be Your faithful disciples.

Dr. James Davidson and Rev. Donald Nead
May 2017


Two members of the LUM Dream Team have recently written A Prayer for LUM.

In celebration of the 45th anniversary of Lafayette Urban Ministry, Dr. Jim Davidson & Rev. Don Nead wanted to create something meaningful reflection for the friends, volunteers, staff and supporters of LUM and decided on this prayer.

The prayer not only focuses on the Mission of LUM but also reconnects LUM with its long history of social justice including advocacy for public policy that supports and strengthens families.

We are grateful to Dr. Davidson & Rev. Nead for their wisdom and inspiration. Please take the time to read the entire piece, A Prayer for LUM.