LUM Joins IPATH Task Force

IPATH logoThis week Lafayette Urban Ministry joined IPATH (Indiana Protection for Abused and Trafficked Humans) task force. IPATH was formed to end human trafficking in the State and in the process ensure that victims are treated compassionately and have access to appropriate services. IPATH is comprised of law enforcement specialists, social service providers, health providers, legal service providers, awareness and education organizations, as well as passionate community members. LUM was invited to join IPATH in conjunction with the Immigrant Assistance Program that is expected to be launched in the next year.

By bringing together local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, IPATH has been able to create inter-agency working relationships, build strong cases, analyze and utilize best practices in the field, increase specialized training for agents and officers, prosecute traffickers and protect victims of human trafficking. In addition IPATH has partnered with the Julian Center and Exodus Refugee Immigration, to leverage grant funds from the U.S. Department of Justice to provide comprehensive case management and services to persons who have been trafficked.

For more information regarding IPATH go to Learn more about Law Enforcement efforts.

LUM – Campaign For Hoosier Families

If your faith calls you or the members of your organization to serve the least among us, the Campaign for Hoosier Families is an opportunity to put your faith into action. Join with others to speak up for low-income Hoosier families.

To join— Click here to view or print a brochure (in pdf format) about the Campaign, which includes a membership form,

OR…Click here to sign up forlegislative alerts 

OR…Send an e-mail to Campaign for Hoosier Families.

Susan Brouillette
Program Director for Healthy Families and Sustainable Communities
Lafayette Urban Ministry, 420 N. 4th Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47901-2213; Office – 765.423.2691; Cell – 765-714-7622; E-mail –

Join LUM online and help us serve children and families even better.


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